3月12日 (水)  『一生懸命』幻の議員日記 第71弾! 2008.3.12   たかやん

『一生懸命』幻の議員日記 第71弾! 2008.3.12   たかやん


A young man went to a retirement home to visit his grandfather, who
used to be a great explorer. To kill time, the young man asked the
old man to tell him about the most frightening experience he had
ever had.

"Well, more than 20 years ago, I was hunting bears in the wilds of
Alaska," the grandfather said, and he began to tell the story:
"I was on a narrow path, and my assistant was behind me. Suddenly,
the largest bear I had ever seen leapt onto the path in front of us.
I turned to get my weapon, only to find that my assistant had run
away. And at that moment, the bear charged at me with a mighty ROARRR!
I just wet myself."

Impressed, the grandson said, "Under those circumstances, anyone would
have done the same, Grandpa."

The old explorer said, "No, not back then. Just now, when I said ROARRR!"

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